The JPS Health Network Learning & Organizational Development team introduced the Accelerate Leadership Cohorts which provide current leaders with fundamental skills they can utilize with their teams. These cohorts are given the necessary leadership tools to introduce, sharpen, or refresh their skills to lead their team to success.
The Accelerate Leadership Cohort is divided into six sessions: Leadership Influence, Relationships, Performance, Teamwork & Execution, Team Dynamics, and Strategic Thinking.
“The Accelerate Cohorts are for JPS leaders and supervisors. These team members are responsible for performance management and the lifecycle within their departments,” Veronica Sanchez, Senior Learning & OD Consultant, said. “It teaches the foundation of leadership coaching and shows there is a difference between coaching and teaching because it’s not about telling people what to do. Coaching is opening up their mind to seeing how to do things. A lot of people miss that step.”
The JPS Learning & Organizational Development team extensively researched different authors who impacted businesses to develop content that would foster the growth of individuals who joined the cohorts. Leaders are grateful for the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and create new ones.
"I love that JPS invests in their leadership and workforce," Sabrina Sumner, RN Clinical Manager, CHC, said. "We especially needed this after the pandemic because we couldn't get together. It's been fun getting back with people because when we can invest in our workforce, we provide a stronger body to provide important care to our patients and our community. It helps break down silos by putting us all on the same team and helps us all move forward in the same direction so we can accomplish our goals together."
"This experience in the cohorts has reinforced my desire to be a leader who motivates and guides others toward success."
The Accelerate Cohorts offer new and experienced leaders the chance to enhance their leadership skills and gain fresh perspectives on managing their workforce. ICU RN Clinical Manager Holly Hatchett, who recently transitioned from a bedside role to a leadership position, found the cohort helpful when adjusting to the cultural shift of transitioning to a leadership role. She now supports her team as a leader rather than a peer.
“Being part of a cohort has allowed me to learn about various leadership styles and gain insights from experienced professionals in the field,” Hatchett said. “It's been fascinating to observe how different departments are managed and discover new ways of doing things. Networking with other leaders has been beneficial for me to learn some of their approaches to see if I can incorporate them into my work.”
Hatchett has been recognized for utilizing the skills she learned in the cohorts to motivate her team.
"I created this board for 'Wows,’" Hatchett said. “The board allows individuals to write down moments of appreciation. We also use it to showcase messages from patients and their families to our staff. Additionally, there is an employee of the month board that was created to have different ways to recognize our staff."
During the cohorts, leaders become students who learn effective and fresh perspectives on how to lead their teams. Being in a position where you are being taught instead of being the teacher gives you a different outlook on leading your team. It reminds you that when you lead a team, you are responsible for fostering growth within them.
“As a leader, knowing that people are always observing and learning from you is important,” Sumner said. “This realization makes you aware of the type of leader you want to be and how you want to influence others. You have the power to teach and inspire those around you. They will either learn from you the kind of leader they want to be or the kind of leader they don't want to be. This experience in the cohorts has reinforced my desire to be a leader who motivates and guides others toward success.”