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Prioritizing Families

JPS Health Network, Noah Begley

The team members at JPS Health Network spend countless hours prioritizing patients and their families. A crucial piece of patient experience is ensuring that these individuals and their loved ones feel valued as they receive care.

Outside of their professional lives, many JPS team members shift that priority to their families. The workforce here at JPS is incredibly diverse, and the role one plays in a family differs. As we celebrate Father's Day, we are exploring how team members intertwine fatherhood and their careers.

"In this field, flexibility is not always promised. However, at JPS, we are encouraged to prioritize our families. JPS has taught me the importance of being present in my kid's lives, and the network supports me along the way," said Andrew Nilsen, MD, Family Medicine Residency

Beyond developing empathy for other families, prioritizing our children allows us to be role models for them. JPS team members begin to set foundations for the next generations and mold the minds of tiny humans.

"I want to show my son that it's possible to have a fulfilling career while being a dedicated and loving family member. I want him to understand the value of hard work, the importance of prioritizing loved ones, and the need to find harmony between professional ambitions and personal well-being."

"I hope that as my daughter grows up and sees what I do, she is taught to look at people, not just for one element of who they are. My career allows me to teach her that people are more than just one bad day or one diagnosis," said Noah Begley, MD, Psychiatry Residency

Fostering relationships and providing a supportive environment is a significant part of the JPS mission—not only for our patients but also for each team member who has committed time to the network. This support offers a sense of stability, and it is important that team members feel that in times of need.

"JPS has allowed me to prioritize my family by offering flexible work schedules and supportive policies that recognize the importance of work-life balance. This flexibility enables me to be present for important family moments and effectively manage my responsibilities at work and home," said Michael Miller, CHSP, CHFSP, CLSS-HC, CSP, Executive Director, Emergency Management.

In a network where team members feel supported, growth prospers. Professionally, our team is encouraged to continue developing, but this support also allows our team to thrive personally, allowing the fathers in our network to demonstrate healthy examples for their children.

"I want to show my son that it's possible to have a fulfilling career while being a dedicated and loving family member. I want him to understand the value of hard work, the importance of prioritizing loved ones, and the need to find harmony between professional ambitions and personal well-being," Miller said.