Newsroom Archive



JPS Program Hopes to Identify, Assist Victims of Violence

A pilot program at JPS to identify victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking and lead them to help has produced such encouraging results, it’s already been expanded.

“It’s an evidence-based screening process that gives more certainty about detecting abuse and how to proceed in situations when abuse is detected,” explained JPS Violence and Injury Prevention Manager Mary Ann Contreras, RN.

The Fourth of July can be a Rough Experience for People with Mental Health Issues

Independence Day is a fun time for children and for fireworks connoisseurs of all ages.

But bottle rockets’ red glare and cherry bombs bursting in air can be a nightmare for the millions of people in the United States who manage mental health issues on a daily basis, especially people who are dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Loud explosions and flashes of light that are reminiscent of artillery fire seem to go on forever while they wish the calendar page would turn to July 5.