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Mindful Moments Help Patients, Team Members Refocus on What’s Important

Lee Ann Franklin, Executive Director of Spiritual Care and Ethics, JPS Health Network, Fort Worth, Texas.

Sometimes it just takes a moment to put yourself on the path to a better day.

That’s the philosophy behind a new, twice a day meeting for both patients and team members in the Trinity Springs Pavilion at JPS Health Network.

“Since June, we’ve been holding what we call Mindful Moments,” said Lee Ann Franklin, Executive Director of Spiritual Care and Ethics. “It’s an opportunity to concentrate on self-care. Hopefully, these gatherings will give people some new tools to cope with those things.”

The Mindful Moment includes a little bit of philosophy, a little bit of physical exercise and a little bit of sharing the things attendees have to be positive about as well as the things that are worrying them. Patients who attended a session last week said they were amazed how much difference the 15-minute reset made in their day.

“I never thought that a breathing exercise could do so much to make me feel calm and peaceful,” a patient said of the Moment which advocated having an attitude of gratitude. “It’s an amazing difference.”

Teammate Denise Martinez, an activity therapy assistant, agreed.

“I love it,” Martinez said. “The Mindful Moments meetings make me feel so different, so much better. I find that I’m using what I’ve learned outside of this room. Not just at work, but also at home.”

Meanwhile another patient told a team member in attendance she was amazed to hear someone else was going through the same feelings of self-doubt she was. They agreed that they found inspiration in hearing about creative ways others have found to persevere.

“It’s important to realize that you’re not alone,” Franklin said of the fellowship people find in the Mindful Moments. “Everyone in that room -- or any room we go into, for that matter -- is struggling with something. The people around you have problems, worries and concerns, too. Sometimes it helps a lot to find out that you’re not the only one when you’re beating yourself up over something.”

The idea is that people who learn something in the meetings that will take help them be more peaceful and calm. Then they can take their experiences back to their work station, their room or their home to share them with others and spread the joy, Franklin said.

The 15-minute sessions take place at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on weekdays. A revolving group of team members serves as volunteer leader. About 10 people attend each meeting, seven of them patients, according to April Jastrzab, Director of Behavioral Health Social Services.

“The sessions are completely voluntary,” Jastrzab said. “There are no employees and patients for that 15 minutes, only people. It takes away the hierarchy and makes everyone equal. These are evidence-based practices that help reset moods, focus our minds and regulate our bodies.”

The Mindful Moment has been such a big hit that Franklin said it’s being considered for other departments all across the network.