
“I was afraid they were going to tell me there was nothing else they could do”

For Fort Worth resident Bryan Ayala, COVID-19 struck quickly and hit hard.

At the beginning of May, he was more concerned about the fact that he’d been laid off from his job than he was about catching the virus that was sweeping the globe. In those days, it was thought that COVID was something only people over 60 or with pre-existing health conditions had to worry about and Bryan, 21, had none.

One day, without warning, he noticed he couldn’t take a deep breath.

Brothers Battle Back Against COVID-19

“There were definitely times when I wasn’t sure we would both make it out of the hospital to be together again,” said Sean Freeman.  

He and his brother, Carlos, found themselves at JPS at the same time over the summer of 2020, fighting extended battles with COVID-19. Sean’s case was serious, but Carlos spent a month near death on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit. “I’ll never forget, after all Carlos went through, when they called to say he was off the ventilator and breathing on his own again. It seemed like a miracle.” 

The Surge is Here: COVID Response Rises at JPS

More Than 200 Inpatients, Hundreds More Getting Care


With the number of infected patients surging, JPS Health Network continues to implement its emergency response plan for COVID-19, converting additional space throughout the main hospital to house infected patients. Here’s the latest information about how JPS is responding to the pandemic.


What’s happening with COVID-19 patients?

Just Give us Two More Days

She had no doubts about the skill of her caregivers. But, when Etta Hammie arrived at JPS Health Network in November suffering severe COVID-19 symptoms, she didn’t think she had the strength to go on.

“I’ve been a nurse for many years, and I told them when I got here that I didn’t want any part of a ventilator,” Hammie said. “But it was only a short time before things started to get worse and the doctor came to me to say that she was concerned I was getting too weak to survive without help.”

Zee, Durand Honored by their Peers

It’s no secret that 2020 was an extremely tough year to be a medical professional.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has demanded an incredible amount of resilience, dedication and skill from physicians and advanced practice professionals. Expert care is more appreciated than ever. Even though there is little time to celebrate, it’s important to recognize the providers who are always ready to respond to the needs of the community.