
JPS Clinical Pharmacy Awarded for Exceptional Quality of Care

The JPS Health Network's Clinical Pharmacy Department is the recipient of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties 2023 Weaver/Penna Award. It is awarded annually by the Board of Pharmacy Specialists (BPS) to an individual and a patient care organization. That shows that an organization has advanced in care and quality through specialized training, knowledge, and skill, contributing to the advancement of BPS board certification of pharmacists.

A Calling for Patient Care

Sabrina Sumner, RN, MDiv, BSN, CMSRN, was in pastoral ministry before she decided to pursue a career in nursing. She is the RN Clinical Manager for Primary Care at JPS Health Network’s South Campus Health Center, Medical Home Northeast Tarrant, Iona Reed Health Canter, Northwest Health Center for Women & Children, Diamond Hill Health Center, Gertrude Tarpley-Watauga Health Center, and the Employee Health Clinic. Sumner works with the staff, practice managers, and team leaders to ensure they meet the quality metrics for accreditation updates.

A New Healthy Lifestyle for a New Year

The New Year signifies a fresh start to accomplish new goals or try new things. One of the most popular goals people adopt during the New Year is a healthy lifestyle change. JPS Family Medicine physician Kimberly Wolfshohl is sharing tips that can help people lose weight, manage diabetes, and maintain overall health.

In the world of dieting, there are many options, and what works for one may not work for another. One of the most healthful options is the Mediterranean Diet.

A Challenge Coin for a Great Save

Recently, the JPS Health Network Trauma team recognized team members of MedStar, Fort Worth Police Department, Fort Worth Fire Department, the JPS ED, OR, SICU, and P5 teams at a Great Save ceremony. The event highlighted the direct care that impacted the survival of a patient who sustained a gunshot wound and celebrated the accomplishments of the inter-professional team members who provided care to the patient from the scene to the hospital.