JPS Virtual Residency and Fellowship First Look Event
Wednesday, August 24th at 5:30 PM CST
JPS Health Network residency and fellowship programs are excited to welcome all medical students to our inaugural diversity, equity, and inclusion first look event. This event is open to all medical students, especially those with a URiM background, as well as those with a passion for issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Please register

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Unique Aspects of the OMS Internship

We offer a true full-scope experience for those looking to match in a competitive oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training program. Our interns receive exposure to Dentoaveolar, head and neck trauma, head and neck cancer - including microvascular reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery and all its data-collection, diagnosis and treatment planning, Facial pain and of course operating room surgical experience.

The best way to describe what will be your clinical experience is to briefly outline a typical week for a John Peter Smith Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery intern.

  • Monday is IV sedation day, with noon grand rounds for orthognathic reconstructive surgery presentations; at which, the interns will present comprehensive orthognathic surgery work-ups.
  • Tuesday the OMFS clinic is dentoaveolar patients all day. We also are running a facial/oral lesion clinic, which is primarily skin cancer diagnosis and removal and follow-ups from cancer resection surgery from the previous weeks. Additionally, we are in the operating room all day, primarily for facial trauma.
  • Wednesday is extraction clinic in the morning and the afternoon is facial pain clinic, specifically for the diagnosis and management of facial pain/TMJ disorders. We are also in the operating room all day.
  • Thursday the OMFS clinic is dentoaveolar patients all day. Thursday is also our main OR time for cancer resection and reconstruction surgeries.
  • Friday is full mouth extraction/IV sedation clinic and pre-op work ups for the next week.

The department of oral and maxillofacial surgery covers all the facial trauma call for the hospital 24/7/365.

Our interns work alongside the 5th and 6th year oral and maxillofacial surgery residents from the UT-Southwestern/Parkland training program.

Our interns will have unrivaled support for their application to advanced training in oral & maxillofacial surgery. Including regular lectures, workshops and mock interviews to prepare them for the rigorous demands of application into an oral & maxillofacial surgery residency program.