
Meeting Patients Where They Are

Social workers are compassionate advocates who provide guidance to patients in need, whether it's related to physical health or mental health. They help patients have difficult conversations, gain a deeper understanding of their situation, provide medical resources, or simply lend a listening ear. The bond between a social worker and their patient is special because it often takes time to build rapport and establish trust.

Back Into Rhythm

Music has always been a part of the life of Sam "Shake" Anderson. He had big dreams of becoming a musician from a young age and worked hard to achieve them. While pursuing his dreams, his life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with cancer, which forced him to deviate from his path and face a difficult battle. After undergoing brain surgery, Anderson lost hope of ever playing music again. However, a visit to the JPS Oncology & Infusion Center & Infusion Center restored his hope and made him believe he could do what he loved most again - create music.

Blood Education Can Save Lives

According to Carter BloodCare, around 4.5 million Americans require a blood transfusion each year. To cater to these needs, about 1,500 donors are required daily to meet the transfusion requirements of patients in the community. The partnership between JPS Health Network and Carter BloodCare ensures that the patients in the community have an ample amount of blood supply to cater to any transfusion needs across the network.

The Importance of Early Intervention

JPS Health Network patient, Lonnie Floyd has a history of heart problems. He suffers from congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation (a-fib), which he believes is due to his long history of smoking and drinking. One day, Floyd was in bed watching a television show when his fiancé noticed he was having seizure-like symptoms. Then he collapsed. When she called 911, she didn't know what to do, so the operator provided her with instructions on how to assess and begin performing CPR.

Despite My Diagnosis

Laura Kane, 63, is a true embodiment of the phrase, "I am not my diagnosis." Despite facing a difficult diagnosis, she has been an exceptional example of hope and positivity. While she acknowledges that dealing with the side effects of her treatment is not easy, she makes it her mission not to let her circumstances keep her from enjoying life.

Treating the Whole Patient

Nekesha Oliphant, MD, Vice Chair of Behavioral Health developed a passion for medicine at a young age, but during high school, she realized that pursuing a career in medicine was not in her plans. Instead, she decided to follow a different career path. Combining her love for music and fascination with the human brain, she decided to pursue a career in music therapy.

Dedicated to Patient Care

In December, JPS Health Network hosted its annual Medical Staff and Advanced Practice Professionals Award Ceremony. This event is held at the end of every year to appreciate and recognize the hard work of the medical staff and advanced practice professionals throughout the year. Physician and APP of the Year awards are presented to individuals during the ceremony.

Inspiring Our Youth

Rufino Mendoza, Sr. was a Hispanic-American advocate for quality education for Hispanic youth in Fort Worth public schools. He led the campaign for Hispanics and addressed the children's education concerns in the district. Mendoza grew up in a family that fought against poverty but stressed the importance and value of education as the avenue to a better quality of life. While actively volunteering in his community, he saw the intelligence and potential in the Hispanic youth. Mendoza was concerned about how the disadvantages of poverty and racial barriers facing Hispanics could affect them.

Finding Motivation for a Better Outcome

Representatives from nursing clinical services have launched a new initiative called the Diabetes Education Program. The program aims to reduce diabetes-related readmissions by providing additional education to patients. The representatives recognized the need for this program due to the lack of knowledge about the disease, identified as the main issue causing readmission. The program was launched in August and has already shown reduced readmissions. Its success lies in the regular follow-up with patients after they have been discharged.

Prioritizing Mental Wellness

Prioritizing the physical and mental health of men is essential to their well-being. The societal stigma surrounding the role of men implies that they should always be strong, and any display of vulnerability is considered unacceptable, so men often deprioritize their health needs. Dr. James Haliburton, Medical Director, Psychiatry, emphasizes the importance of men prioritizing their mental health, as they tend to suffer in silence and keep going. This can have a detrimental impact on their mental and physical health.