
Stopping the Stigmas

As human beings, it is likely that each of us has, or will, experience some level of trauma within our lifetimes. Trauma is the emotional response one has to a distressing event and can look vastly different in everyone.

The way individuals process these events is broadly divergent. The development and recurrence of these symptoms can be identified as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a behavioral disorder that benefits from treatments like psychotherapy.

Offering Hope

Roxana Bonilla is a patient at JPS Health Network who was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition known as Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica (TO), when calcified nodules are present in the larger airways. This involves the space inside of the trachea and bronchi and results in the obstruction of one's airways.

Prioritizing Families

The team members at JPS Health Network spend countless hours prioritizing patients and their families. A crucial piece of patient experience is ensuring that these individuals and their loved ones feel valued as they receive care.

Outside of their professional lives, many JPS team members shift that priority to their families. The workforce here at JPS is incredibly diverse, and the role one plays in a family differs. As we celebrate Father's Day, we are exploring how team members intertwine fatherhood and their careers.

It’s Not Over Yet

Darius Walker was a patient at JPS Health Network for nearly four months. During these four months, Walker faced many obstacles and challenges. Still, no matter what the days ahead held for him, he walked triumphantly down his road to recovery.

On February 2, 2024, Walker was brought into the Emergency Department at JPS. Unknowingly, he was suffering from a total hip dislocation in both of his hips, leaving him in a split-like position and unable to walk.

My Health is a Priority

An important concept in healthcare is ensuring patients are educated about listening to their bodies. Stressing the importance of listening to our bodies is crucial because it can be the thin line between living a normal life and dealing with the detrimental effects of a disease that could have been prevented.

Stephanie McCoy learned an important lesson when she experienced symptoms of a stroke but didn't respond right away. Looking back, she realizes that the signs were there, but she didn't think much of them because the symptoms weren't severe.