
Chaplains Find New Ways to Make Powerful Connections

One of the toughest parts of the fight against COVID-19 is that the virus has forced hospitals around the globe to bar visitors from entering out of concern for the safety of patients and the healthcare workers providing care to them.

At JPS Health Network, a team of tireless chaplains is doing all it can to bridge the gap between patients in the hospital and their worried families forced to stay at home. They are still touching lives – but in new and different ways.


Keeping Team Members and the Community in the Know

Answering a call for more information about the community’s current health crisis, JPS Health Network has created a COVID-19 information line accessible to both healthcare workers and the public.

Starting today, information will be available on a recording updated daily at 10 a.m. In an email to staff, JPS President and CEO Robert Earley said the recording will include information about the number of JPS patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.


Screening Tent: Another Tool to Help JPS Fight Spread of COVID-19

JPS team members have worked night and day to prepare for the COVID-19 virus.

While a lot has gone on behind the scenes, the most visible part of their preparation is a big, orange tent that appeared Friday outside of the main entrance to the Patient Pavilion.

Lance Lynch, Director of Emergency Management said the temporary structure is a “screening tent” where people coming to the hospital who raise red flags during the COVID-19 screening process can be taken for further analysis by a healthcare provider.
