
JPS Successfully Tests Coronavirus Response: “There is an Opportunity to Learn from This”

A patient who recently returned to the Fort Worth area from overseas was brought to JPS Health Network Tuesday morning, concerned about suspected symptoms of Coronavirus.

The case was quickly determined to be a false alarm. But not until after the plans the health network has put in place to respond to a potential outbreak in Tarrant County were tested in a real-life scenario. Hospital leaders were pleased with what they saw and used the experience as an inspiration to tweak their plans.


Quicker to Care

When it comes to diagnosing and treating lung cancer patients, speed is the key, according to Dr. Kalyani Narra, a physician at the JPS Health Network Oncology and Infusion Center.

That’s why JPS oncologists and pulmonologists have joined forces to streamline the process patients follow from their initial visit. In the last year, work to streamline the process has cut the time from first visit to the doctor to starting a treatment plan by about 25 percent. That’s a very big deal, according to Narra.

As Optimization Clinic Grows, Number of Postponed Operations Shrinks

Surgery can often be the key to saving lives or making them better. A couple hours on the operating table and life-threatening issues could suddenly be a problem of the past.

But what if the patient isn’t prepared for their operation? Things like high blood pressure, complications of diabetes, smoking and obesity can sometimes make it too risky for the patient to undergo surgery. That’s where the JPS Surgical Optimization Clinic comes in.

OMFS Patient All Smiles after One-Day Jaw Replacement Procedure

A routine dental appointment led to a devastating discovery for Nick McMillon.

An X-ray revealed a void in the middle of his jawbone near his chin that his dentist initially thought was an abscess. Upon further investigation, however, the problem turned out to be much more serious: It was a tumor that created a hole about the size of a quarter in McMillon’s mandible.

Dress of Success: Patient Crafts Gown from Breast Cancer Paperwork

When Fort Worth resident Jennifer Beyer learned she had breast cancer, she didn’t have any doubt that she was going to beat the disease.

“I didn’t know what God’s plan was for me,” Beyer, 45, said about her reaction to the startling diagnosis. “But I knew that it wasn’t to lay down in a bed and die. I still have too much that I want and need to do. I’m a single mom of two kids.”